Anxiety will always be a part of life. However, it becomes an issue when the anxiety interferes with your daily life. Anxiety is necessary to protect yourself from danger, but it is counterproductive when there is no actual threat. Ackowledge the anxiety, seek a mentor or therapist, and find a fulfilling outlet to overcome anxiety.
Reading Suggestion: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle:
Acknowledge The Anxiety
Pushing and ignoring your anxiety will only make your anxiety worse. The more you try to repress, the more intense the feeling can become in the long-term. Acknowledge your anxiety so that you are completely honest with yourself. If we pay attention to a problem, then we can begin to work on healthy coping mechanisms to handle the issue when it arises.
Seek a Mentor and/or Therapist
Therapy can be a tool that can give insight into what is causing your anxiety. A mentor or life coach can give you strategies as well. Mentors and therapists can be objective when working with you. If you know what causes an issue, then you can begin eliminating or narrowing down what triggers your anxiety.
Find an Outlet
If you want to relieve anxiety, find something that you like to do for fun. Sometimes we have tons of anxiety because we are not resting or doing fun activities that bring us joy. If you do not know what you like, try some new things to figure out what brings you joy. Working all the time without a healthy outlet will increase your anxiety.
When you are honest with yourself about your anxiety, you can begin to work on handling it. The more you pretend that it does not exist, the more anxious you become. Find a mentor or therapist to assist you with finding a cause for the anxiety. Then, you can begin using healthy tools to cope when feeling anxious. A healthy outlet, such as a morning routine, evening routine, taking a walk, going to the gym, or reading a book, can release some of your anxious feelings.
Hope this helps,
Dominique Duarte
Do you have anxiety? If so, what do you do to relieve your anxiety? Comment Below!