Self-Help on Life

How to Begin Taking Up Space in the World

Seeking validation from others has been a constant in my life. As a child, I felt unseen and unheard in my family. I learned to mute my voice, and physically shrink in social situations. Recently, I attended the Embrace and Transform Workshop hosted by Eric M. Hovis. One of my biggest takeaways from the workshop was that I need to take up more space. Using my voice has become easier, but taking up space, especially in unfamiliar settings is still challenging for me. In order to begin taking up more space, ask people how you are currently showing up in the world, know your self-worth, and socialize more frequently.

Ask People How You Are Currently Showing Up in the World

You can ask people how you are showing up in the world. Sometimes, we may be completely unaware of how we are showing up in a room. You may think that you are entering the room with a load of confidence, but others could read you completely differently. Ask people in your life who you know will give you honest feedback about how you show up in the world. Take the feedback and practice showing up with a bit more confidence in new situations.

Know Your Self-Worth

You are worthy no matter what you accomplish or what you look like. Self-worth is not the same as self-esteem. According to University of North Carolina Wilmington resource page, self-worth is “the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others.” Self-esteem comes from achievements or success, but self- worth is knowing that you are of value just for being who you are. You are so amazing and valuable, tell yourself that everyday.

Socialize More Frequently

The more you socialize, the more comfortable you will become with taking up space. So, get out of your comfort zone regularly. This gives you a chance to practice taking up more space in a room. If you only stick inside the four walls your room all the time, then you will always feel strange in social situations. Find meet up groups, join a church, volunteer somewhere that you are passionate about to become more present around other people.


Taking up more space can seem like a daunting task for more reserved people or people who lack confidence. Your voice matters and people need to hear you. We all have something beautiful to add to this world. Show up, take up space, and share your amazing gifts with the world. This can encourage others to do the same and make the world an even brighter place for everyone.

Hope this helps,

Dominique Duarte

Book Suggestion: Roots of Self-Worth by Adam Sandberger:

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