This past year was truly a test. I went through three teacher assistant positions in less than a year. For the past five years, I have been trying to work in education so that I could have some stability, but it has caused more harm than good in my life. In 2025, I am taking charge of my life and putting 100 percent toward my singing and acting career. Yes, I have been a consistent part-time performer and occassional full-time performer since 2013, but I have never gone full throttle. In order to take charge of your life, make a S.M.A.R.T plan, give 100 percent effort, take action, and commit.
Make a S.M.A.R.T Plan
If you do not have a plan, you will not reach your goals. Create a plan that is SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. When your goals are not attainable or if you give yourself a rigid timeline, this can lead to you getting discouraged with yourself. Push yourself, but be realistic as well.
Give 100% Effort
Ask yourself, “Have I given my best effort toward my goal?” There is no question that I work hard, but have I been giving 100 percent in my performance career? The honest answer is “No.” I have not been as committed as I could have been the past 12 years. When you figure out your purpose, go all in. Do not work half-heartedly when you are called for a purpose that can also help other people too.
Take Action
You have a plan, now take action. This is probably why most people do not accomplish their goals. Either people are taking little to no action at all or taking actions that are not in alignment with the goals they have set. This requires some discipline so I would suggest reading Atomic Habits by Jame Clear in order to begin new habits that will change your life.
Confidence comes when you do what you say you will do. Most of the time, I do what I say I will do, but if I were more consistent, my self-esteem and self-respect would be higher. When you make a decision commit to the decision and make it apart of your identity. You are now a person who only engages in certain behaviors and does not engage in other behaviors. You decide what those behaviors will be, but when you do decide, you must COMMIT.
Hope this helps,
Dominique Duarte